Keeping your kitchen clean and tidy has always been important, but in-depth cleanliness and hygiene has become more important than ever in recent times.  

Now that you’ve revived your cabinets with replacement kitchen doors, how do you keep that clean, freshly-fitted feeling for as long as possible?

How often should you clean your kitchen doors? 

You’ll most likely be preparing and cooking food in your kitchen at least once a day, so it’s completely normal for kitchen surfaces to end up covered as you prepare your meals.  

As with any cleaning activity, little and often is the best way. Give your kitchen cabinets a good wipe down every few days to prevent grease and dust from sticking. 

What should you use to clean kitchen doors? 

Whilst it can be tempting to blitz your entire kitchen using a multi-surface antibacterial spray, it’s not always the answer. Harsh detergents can damage your kitchen doors, so it’s better to use products and methods that are specifically designed for your style of door.  

Super Gloss doors 

Gloss doors have smooth, shiny surfaces. This finish is becoming more popular as homeowners opt for sleek, minimalist design, but fingermarks and food spills are more noticeable on this surface.  

Thankfully, these doors are one of the easiest to clean.  

Wash supergloss with a gentle detergent and water and then dry with a soft cloth. A glass cleaning spray is also suitable if you’re seeing water streaks on the door. Make sure to dry again with a soft cloth and your gloss door should be gleaming in no time. 

Traditional wooden doors

Usually, traditional wooden kitchen doors will be treated with a layer of varnish over the top. These are designed to protect natural wood from cracks and discoloration, meaning you should only need to give wooden doors a light wash.  

Firstly, dust your doors down. Use a bowl of warm water and add a small amount of washing-up liquid and a non-abrasive sponge to gently wash the doors down to remove any minor marks. Wipe the door down with some clean water, and then dry with a clean towel. 

If you do notice any stubborn stains, make sure you attempt to clean them off as soon as possible as trying to remove marks after they’ve dried can damage the door surface. If your doors haven’t been finished with varnish or lacquer, you may need to use cleaning products specifically made for wood.

Painted kitchen doors

Cleaning a painted door is quite similar to cleaning an unpainted door, but you just need to show a little extra caution about the products you use.  

Stick to cleaning the door with warm soapy water and a soft sponge. Then clean the door with just water and a microfiber cloth – this will remove dirt without scratching the pain on your door. As always, dry the door with a clean, dry towel.  

Make sure you avoid products that cause the paint to flake off or rub away. Any detergents containing harsh chemicals, such as bleach, will strip the paint away. 

Remember the handles 

Door handles are generally one of the grubbiest parts of any door, simply due to the amount of hands that touch them. It’s especially important to get rid of any bacteria that may be built up on your kitchen door handles by using a sanitising spray. This should be done regularly, not just when your cabinets are getting a good wash.

If your kitchen doors are looking fatigued and it’s something that even a good clean can’t solve, then it’s time to find a replacement. We have a wide range of replacement kitchen doors, from traditional to modern, glossy finishes. Contact our Happy Doors team today.  

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